Ocean View

How pleasant to sit on the beach,
On the beach, on the sand, in the sun,
With ocean galore within reach,
And nothing at all to be done!
No letters to answer,
No bills to be burned,
No work to be shirked,
No cash to be earned,
It is pleasant to sit on the beach
With nothing at all to be done!
How pleasant to look at the ocean,
Democratic and damp; indiscriminate;
It fills me with noble emotion
To think I am able to swim in it.
To lave in the wave,
Majestic and chilly,
Tomorrow I crave;
But today it is silly.
It is pleasant to look at the ocean;
Tomorrow, perhaps, I shall swim in it.


Pretty Halcyon Days
Ogden Nash

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One Response to “Ocean View”
  1. Chris says:

    I love this, it’s playful yet restful. I can’t help but feel as though I’ve heard it somewhere before, but that is probably just the faint memory of summers past tugging at my nostalgic heartstrings.

    Thank you